A Life Without FI
A Life Without FI Have you ever seen the movie Sliding Doors? The plot centers around a protagonist who stumbles to catch a train, and then the story line bifurcates into two parallel universes based...
A Life Without FI Have you ever seen the movie Sliding Doors? The plot centers around a protagonist who stumbles to catch a train, and then the story line bifurcates into two parallel universes based...
Habit is the Yellow Brick Road Although hard to believe, financial independence has never been a goal of mine. In fact, I had no idea what it even was till recently. Although I had...
Reframing Sacrifice At risk of beating a dead horse (terrible saying, isn’t it?), I would like to spend one more post discussing sacrifice. As you recall, I originally talked about front-loading the sacrifice in...
Young, Smart, and Broke Millennials are smarter than us. They are. There is no question. So it is unsurprising that a host of millennial financial independence voices have sprung up and gained prominence in...
Stop Ignoring The Financial Forest Get the heck out of the trees! You heard me. I’m talking to you recent financial independence convert. I see you raking around in the weeds. Hasn’t anyone told...
The Once I Have Syndrome There was once a little boy who looked longingly at the immense, vast world and wondered about all its uncertainty. Like most young children, he wanted nothing more than...
Leap Before You Look Looking over these last few months of blog posts, it is easy to read my content and believe that when it came to my career and wealth building, that I...
Persistence Is The Secret Sauce My daughter had her first track meet this weekend. We showed up to a field house at the local high school and watched as dozens of kids and hundreds...
Getting Past You Can’t There are a million personal finance blogs that will teach you how to reach financial independence by the art of incremental gains. They will espouse frugal hacks, how-to lists, and...
Good Decision/Bad Decision Today’s subject will hopefully be part of a regular series of Monday posts. As you recall, I recently started Gratitude Wednesdays. This series will focus on my past decisions to shed...