Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You Will Ever Need

This is not a book review. The reason is simple. I’m not objective. I am subjective. I have met Grant Sabatier in person. I have had deep conversations with him. He has been on my podcast and I have recorded for his. I have deep respect for him as well as his viewpoints. So I can’t respectfully call this an adequate review. Maybe this is just a glowing recommendation. His book, Financial Freedom: A proven Path to All the Money You Will Ever Need, is well worth your time and energy.

Especially if you are new to the financial independence culture, the return on investment is inestimable.

Why do I recommend it so highly?


Financial Freedom is comprehensive. Not only does it talk about such important topics as calculating enough and investing strategies, but it goes further. Very few personal finance texts delve equally into the income production side as much as they do into the saving and investing side.

Financial Freedom

And this is refreshing. There is no pie in the sky rhetoric about just saving massively and retiring early. If you want to truly pursue this journey, you are going to have to work. Sabatier not only doesn’t play down this aspect, he celebrates it. Especially in his chapter about hacking the 9 to 5. There is also plenty of discussion regarding side hustles and their role in income generation and wealth building.

It is clear that Grant wants you to work all sides of the gap. Make a lot. Cut spending. Save.

Then live your life.

Simple But Not Simplistic

As comprehensive as Financial Freedom is, the explanations are clear, concise, and interesting. Sabatier provides a great How To manual without getting overly bogged down in unnecessary details. The text is clear and easy to follow, and yet reflects the adequate complexity to be useful to the novice wealth builder.

This is a difficult balance. I have read my share of personal finance texts, and nothing loses me faster than overly detailed or mathematical descriptions that do little to further my understanding.

It is not that there isn’t math involved, Financial Freedom just does a great job of concentrating on the most important math, and presenting it in an easily digestible manner.


Maybe one of the greatest aspects of Financial Freedom is that I put the book down excited and hopeful. Grant’s love of these subjects and his contagious optimism jump off the page and into your mind. He creates a sense of joy and opportunity not only to the wet behind the ears novice, but also to the crusty old veteran like myself.

After finishing the last chapter (I read this book in about three days), I couldn’t help but feel jazzed all over again about this financial independence journey, and all the possibilities that await me.

This says something given that I have been financially independent for years already. It still spoke to me volumes after hearing this type of information presented repeatedly over the years. The only difference is that before I had to cull disparate bits of information from multiple sources and aggregate them all together myself. With Financial Freedom, Grant has done all the hard work for us.

Final Thoughts

I am not going to give any negative feedback on this book. I’m sure if I looked hard enough, I could find a sentence here or there that I have a quibble with. It wouldn’t, however, change my overall opinion.

This is a great book for beginners and experts alike. It is comprehensive, well presented, and full of hope and optimism.

Pretty much exactly as Grant is in person.

Doc G

A doctor who discovered the FI community but still struggling with RE.

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2 Responses

  1. E says:

    Thanks for the recommendation! Always open to good , kind , financial advice! The kind aspect adds a lot of respect. Everyone has their own unique background, circumstance and path .

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