


Financial independence may or may not be your goal.  It may be a lever or an escape hatch.  Regardless of its place in your life plan, I have tried with this blog to build a tool box and thoughtfully think about what skills and hacks are available to speed one’s path.  These include techniques like front loading and bursting, and personal qualities such as persistence and telling yourself the right story.   The big idea is that given the right starting ingredients and a few skills mixed in, reaching financial freedom should be a forgone conclusion.  Should be a foregone conclusion, that is, if one specific criteria is met.  Longevity.

A close cousin to persistence, longevity is the ability to keep your head up and stick it out.  With a little bit of luck and a lot of time, you will reach your goals whatever they are.


There is a simple path to financial independence.  Earn, save, and invest.  Although it is quite straightforward, it is not always easy.  Earning is a life long battle that starts with our first job and ends the day we sell our last stock and piece of real estate.  The longer one accumulates money, the longer it will last.

We are all aware of the power of compounding.  The magic ingredient, however, is longevity.  We have to continuously toil to create the fodder for compounding to do its job.  The longer you work, the more you will save, the more you will have left over to invest.

Work longevity brings numerous benefits.  Not only do earned wages but also experiences and expertise compound.  the longer in one’s chosen field, the more likely they will move up the ladder and earn more money.  The more likely they will go into business for themselves or pivot towards greater fortunes.


We spend a lot of time in our community arguing about index funds verse individual stocks.  We talk about the difference between investment and speculation.  But the truth is, a reasonably allocated portfolio will not live or die on the stock itself or even on the expense ratio.  These are just minor tweaks.  the key to making money in the stock market is an overall belief that the American economy will grow, and, of course, longevity.

I don’t care if you buy IBM or VTSAX, put your money in the market and leave it for a few decades and you will mostly be rewarded.

Although this sounds counterintuitive, it is investing and longevity that actually bring returns. That’s why it kills me to watch people hold on to their money for long periods trying to time the market.  Today’s high will look like mince meat in a decade or two.

Do you really want to miss out on all that growth?

Side Hustles

Whether real estate, a lazy side hustle, or writing a blog, success comes after years of trials and tribulations.  There is nothing flashy about this.  Although we have our fair share of overnight successes in this community, most of us have had to grind away for years to even break the seal.

Properties often have lousy returns in the beginning, and true success usually comes after years of paying down equity, collecting rents, and appreciation.

Your side hustle is likely a passion play, and only after showing up day in and day out might it start generating revenue.

And writing a blog may only become revenue positive after years of building an audience , collecting emails, and pushing free giveaways.

Success favors longevity.

Final Thoughts

Sometimes we get caught up in the financial independence movement with sudden success.  We see a friend buy ten properties in a year or start an award-winning blog that generates revenue within six months.  Although these things happen, for the most part, winning is a function of persistence and longevity.

Whether employment, investing, or side hustles, your chances of success increase greatly with time.  So don’t quite in the beginning if things don’t go just right.

Keep your head up.



Doc G

A doctor who discovered the FI community but still struggling with RE.

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10 Responses

  1. So true, persistence is one of the top characteristics of successful people

  2. Gasem says:

    As I work through my perspective on finance I find longevity funds the portfolio. Conversely once retired the portfolio funds longevity. I entirely agree the “rules” that are so heartily defended are just smoke. Fund cost, DIY, 3 fund portfolio, property, don’t you dare get an adviser! It’s all noise. A bogelhead portfolio +- real estate, relies on one thing, the deadly skill of American enterprise and the productivity of the American people. Its performance has virtually nothing to do with “YOU” despite the billions of words published on schemes scams side gigs and scooby dooby dooby. When you get down to it, FIRE is a hobby. The basic bogelhead engine is fortunately risked “good enough” you likely won’t lose all your chips, but neither will you hit a home run. You’ll just sputter along. If you had the choice of buying AMZN or VTI in 1999 which would you choose? SPY or BTC in 2015 which would you choose? If you say VTI or SPY then you reveal your narrative and your risk tolerance not your brilliance. Nothing wrong with sputtering along properly applied it’s “good enough”. The real question is what happens after the turn, after you retire. If accumulation is Ying, retirement is Yang. Ying is white signifying life with a black eye signifying death. Yang is black with a white eye. Together they form a whole, If accumulation has its engines and longevity, deflation provides its ballast with a different longevity. Longevity is like the arms of a teeter totter one side can be short the other long, but to balance you then have to adjust the mass on each side accordingly. It’s not about gigs and projections and beating your sword into a plow, it’s about balance across the entirety of your life.

    • Doc G says:

      I like your point about the dual edge of the longevity sword. Longevity post retirement carries risk to a portfolio.

  3. Dr. McFrugal says:

    Longevity is key. Time in the market is so important. And like you mentioned, persistence and grit are key ingredients for success.

    The reason why most people fail and give up is because they are short-sighted and don’t think enough about their long term goals.

  4. Xrayvsn says:

    Great points on the value of longevity. I mentioned it before but because we are in such an instant gratification type society no one pays attention to the long game and they miss out. Get rich quick schemes are what people want and often lose their shirts because of it.

    Nothing about gaining wealth is that earth shattering. The key is to get into a long term outlook behavior pattern that can get you there

  5. I totally agree with you Doc G. These are the ingredients of financial independence; the longevity in employment, investments and side hustles. If you are doing these 3 for a long period of time, in the long run you can reach your goal. But you should have the perfect attitude and approach also. One must also be aware of their lifestyle and spending, it is not just all about income.

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