You Must Expand
You Must Expand I returned from vacation to what should not have been a great surprise. This was my first vacation since starting half retirement. My schedule is better. My stress is almost gone....
You Must Expand I returned from vacation to what should not have been a great surprise. This was my first vacation since starting half retirement. My schedule is better. My stress is almost gone....
The Art of Lazy There is no question that the transition from work/life balance to life/work balance is a tricky one. As much as we don’t want to admit it, there is the increasing...
Half Retirement Spurs Market Apathy There is no question that there are some out there that are quaking in their boots right about now. They see the market dropping and are starting to panic....
Bringing My Family Down There is no question that I have already experienced innumerable benefits of my half retirement. I am living a more healthy life that is better aligned with my sense of...
Evolving Towards Inefficiency I am all about efficiency. I am all about optimization. The only reason I have been able to make this journey to financial independence and half retirement is that I have...
The Reintegration Zone The panic hit suddenly. I scanned my phone anxiously as all the bars disappeared. No signal! I looked around the auditorium. We were deep in the bowels of my daughter’s school...
Happy Stealthy Holidays Hanukkah is upon us and Christmas is around the corner. And don’t forget all those New Year’s parties. Although I am far from a stealth wealth expert, this time of year...
The Overachiever’s Paradox You have to be somewhat goal oriented to aspire to financial independence or to retire early. Some would say that you have to be an overachiever. There are very few slackers...
Retirement is More Healthy It must have been about a decade ago. It was another snowy day like today. I awoke at the break of dawn, and rushed out the door to the hospital...
Half Retirement Day Zero I woke up this morning, for the first time in a while, in absolutely no rush. The alarm still went off at 4:45am but somehow felt different. Instead of going...