Second Generation Side Hustle
Second Generation Side Hustle My son’s head bobs up and down in the backseat. We’re weaving in and out of traffic on Lake Shore Drive on the way to one of our condos. The...
Second Generation Side Hustle My son’s head bobs up and down in the backseat. We’re weaving in and out of traffic on Lake Shore Drive on the way to one of our condos. The...
Good Decision/Bad Decision Today’s subject will hopefully be part of a regular series of Monday posts. As you recall, I recently started Gratitude Wednesdays. This series will focus on my past decisions to shed...
Now and Laters It was the year that his learning disability grew legs. Outstretched in front of a coloring book, he watched as his friends learned to decipher the unfathomable scroll of glyphs on...
The Value of Chores Today in Chicago is a snow day. The Kiddos jumped for joy when they learned that their school doors would not be opening this morning. Yours truly, however, was...
Side Hustle We had interesting conversations growing up at my childhood dinner table. My Stepfather, at that time a CEO of a large multinational company, often was teased incessantly for his various side...
Kids on a budget We shop a lot. Now I didn’t say we buy a lot. But we spend countless hours on the weekend walking through malls and shopping centers. I’m not sure exactly...
One thing I love about the FI blogosphere (Podcastosphere?) are the founder stories. Each and every blogger has a unique and enduring story about how they stumbled into this madness we affectionately call financial...