Why Not Real Estate?
Why Not real Estate? In yesterday’s post I asked why real estate?. The answer seems like a no brainer. There are several benefits including diversification, market inefficiency, and tax efficiency. So far sounds good....
Why Not real Estate? In yesterday’s post I asked why real estate?. The answer seems like a no brainer. There are several benefits including diversification, market inefficiency, and tax efficiency. So far sounds good....
Why Real Estate? I think there is a battle deeply ingrained in the financial independence community. The battle has been waged since the earliest beginnings, and has become a part of the otherwise tranquil...
Finding My Voice This is not just a blog. It’s a diary. A diary of transformation. As I pull away from clinical medicine and start to explore the purpose and identity that I want...
Financial Independence and Mental Health I have talked in the past about the money mind meld. Basically, the realization that I was financially independent came to me suddenly, and hit me like a ton...
Moving Towards Life Work balance I like work. I really do. Although I have been talking up my half retirement, there is a reason I am not going the full monty. I derive pleasure...
No, You Are Not Going To Die My ideas about risk mitigation and the Suze Orman appearance on the Afford Anything podcast produced some interesting responses. One, in particular, gave me pause. It seems...
Show Up and Be Authentic The last few months have been a whirlwind. I had a bit of trepidation when scheduling all these FI related get togethers in such short a period of time....
Avoid The Power Drain I believe we have power. That deep inside each of us resides a unique purpose and identity that are unstoppable. That embracing this power leads to life long contentedness. Finding...
Catastrophe and Risk Mitigation I’m sure many of you, like me, listened to Suze Ormon on the Afford Anything Podcast with a mix of nausea and anger. In one fell swoop she minimized the...
The Financial Independence Head Game There really is a simple path to wealth. Financial independence may be hard, but it is certainly not complicated. Sure you can argue about definitions. You can squabble about...