Money Insecurity
Money Insecurity It is easy to paint financial independence as a nirvana. Easy to say that it is a goal that once attained will allay all worries and anxieties. But I think this viewpoint...
Money Insecurity It is easy to paint financial independence as a nirvana. Easy to say that it is a goal that once attained will allay all worries and anxieties. But I think this viewpoint...
Kids Are Holding You Back? I have mentioned often that I am Second Generation FI (Boring FI). The unfortunate truth is that I started ahead of the game. I grew up with financially savvy...
Financial Independence is a Lever Do you love your job? My bet is that most people answer no to this basic question. Yet, one of my parent’s financial legacies to me is that they not...
Third Generation FI I have been thinking and talking a lot lately about financial modeling behavior for the next generation and financial independence legacies. So it hit me like a brick to realize that I...
Money Is An Intermediary We often have a problem with words in the English language. This is no more apparent than when we in the financial independence community talk about retirement. We sing the praises...
Downsizing to Early Retirement The term downsizing is usually used in reference to trading a larger house for a smaller one. This makes sense to your average FI minded individual who sees both the...