Non Traditional Career Path
Non Traditional Career Path
This last Monday, we released an episode on The What’s Up Next Podcast about alternative career paths. The conversation centered around a few main topics. But we kept falling over ourselves trying to figure out which term to use. Sometimes we said alternative. Others non professional. In the end, I think what we are talking about is the non traditional career path.
Non traditional, at least, for the financial independence community. Many of us are doctors, lawyers, engineers, or computer programmers. The formula sounds simple. Make a lot of money. Save. Retire.
For many, however, the road leads in a completely different direction. They are no less interested in financial freedom then the rest of us, they just concentrate on different aspects of work.
The most common reason to pursue a non traditional career path is that it gives us joy. Many of us are not cut out for corporate America. We don’t want to wear a suit and tie anymore than we want to spend our days in the operating room wearing scrubs.
Incorporating joy into our profession may mean exploring our creative side by becoming a wedding photographer. It might push us to go to trade to school because we like working with our hands, or want to develop our entrepreneurial side. And it may mean leaving a lucrative managerial job to build an online business.
These are not sacrifices. These are measured decisions based on a careful consideration of how to spend the fleeting hours we have been given on this earth.
The non traditional career path offers a freedom not usually enjoyed in most professions. Often work can be done without the restraints of being in an office from nine to five. Many have learned to transition to the digital nomad lifestyle or at least are able to work from home.
Creatives, consultants, and tradespeople often create situations in which they have ultimate control over whether to except extra work or not. They often own their own businesses or take on new projects as fits the schedule.
A major drive to eschew the typical path, often one can reap all the benefits of financial independence before one reaches the actual amount in the bank account. Although work can’t be abandoned completely, it can be done in a controlled manner, and enjoyed at the same time.
One key aspect of the non traditional career path is entrepreneurship. Often what ends up separating our concept of professional from non professional is business ownership. If you get paid to shoot a few photos over the weekend it is far from a career. It is a completely different, on the other hand, if you own a thriving business as a wedding photographer.
Entrepreneurship separates a hobby from a profession. Especially in the financial independence community. If you build a successful business you are no longer a blogger, or hobbyist, or even a tradesman. You are a businessman.
Final Thoughts
We struggle to define the non traditional career path. We fumble with words like alternative or non professional. But just like financial independence, people end up on this journey to enhance joy, have more freedom, and even build a business.
This is not non traditional at all. It many ways, it is exactly what we all are trying to do with our lives.