I Choose Work
I Choose Work For most our lives, work is not a choice but rather a necessity. Even when financial independence is reached, the early retirement fallacy rears its ugly head. Whether employed or not,...
I Choose Work For most our lives, work is not a choice but rather a necessity. Even when financial independence is reached, the early retirement fallacy rears its ugly head. Whether employed or not,...
Post FI Challenge I think it shocks my readers when I say that financial independence is something that once reached needs to be coped with. Believe it or not, it takes a little getting...
YOLO is a No No I have written in the past about the opportunity cost fallacy. In brief, there is an argument that luxury spending saps wealth by obliterating the compounding effect of the...
How Does a Physician Escape Medicare? I have a confession to make. I have been planning my escape since the first day I set foot in the office as an attending physician. The writing...
Cheap, Simple, and Easy I think it is easy to confuse the trees from the financial forest. In my opinion, financial plans should have roughly four legs. The table should be propped up with...
The Early Retirement Fallacy You are going to work. When you are young. When you are old. There is no doubt about it. You are going to create some service or product and exchange...
Side Hustle Exhibition I am a big fan of proof of concept. We bloggers are great at talking about financial independence, investing, and side hustles. Our advice holds hollow, however, if we can’t metaphorically...
Money Insecurity It is easy to paint financial independence as a nirvana. Easy to say that it is a goal that once attained will allay all worries and anxieties. But I think this viewpoint...
Don’t Confuse How With Why I have to admit that sometimes I am a little redundant on this blog. Although I never want to bore my readers, I find that there are just so...
Growing Up Next Door to the Joneses In the financial independence world, we love to talk metaphorically about the Joneses. These are the people who we, often in an unhealthy manner, compare ourselves to...