How I Flaunt My Wealth

I Flaunt My WealthI Flaunt My Wealth

I’m wealthy.  Wealthy beyond my dreams.  And I like to flaunt my wealth.  Now wait, I know what you’re saying.  Aren’t you a stealth wealth practitioner?  Don’t you believe in saving a good deal of your income and not being showy?  Well, yes.  I do believe in all those things.  Yet, what is the sense of having if you can’t show it once in a while?

OK, before you lose your minds, I’m not talking about net worth here.  With a few significant exceptions, I believe that it is important to live well below your affluence.

Wealth defines so much more than money.  It means more than material things.

I flaunt my wealth everyday.

I Read

There is nothing more luxurious than sitting back, putting your feet up, and cracking a book.  Sure, I like to read to learn a new subject.  What I am talking about now, however,  is pleasure reading.  My preference is science fiction, mystery, and general fiction.  I usually find an author who has written a series spanning multiple volumes.  I travel to my local library, pick up two at a time, and I’m off.

You know what’s even better?  Pull out a book in the middle of the afternoon, find a quiet tree or park bench, put your phone away, and enjoy.  Between chapters look at the people hustling and bustling to and from work.  Watch the purposefulness and anxiety in their gait.

And then take a nice stretch, yawn, and dive into chapter three.

Now that, that is rich!

I Write

Time and again, I am asked how I’m able to write a new blog post everyday.  I laugh.  This is just another way in which I flaunt my wealth,

Why Financial Independence is Easier Than BloggingHaving the time and energy to think deeply about finances and life is the ultimate sign of wealth.  While others are busy making a living, organizing, and doing chores, I have the space and mental capacity to ponder.

I couldn’t afford to do this when I was younger.  Caught up in those non-stop days of building a career and taking care of babies, any extra moment was spent zoned out in front of the television.  I just didn’t have any excess energy to think beyond our families immediate needs.

Now I get to revel in my wealth.  I get to wax philosophical about personal finance and net worth generation.

I Exercise

It is no secret that the best time to take a walk, head to the gym, or go for a bike ride is In the middle of the day. That’s right,  in the middle of a weekday the only people you encounter are the retirees and those who can afford a leisurely life.  In other words, the wealthy!

Try picking your spouse up from work in the early afternoon and taking a nice long walk along the lake.  There is nothing, I mean nothing, that feels more affluent.

I Cut Out Early

You know what time my work day usually ends? Usually about 2pm.

Financial independence has allowed me to tailor my schedule to my unique needs.  Most fathers don’t have the luxury of being home when their children walk through the door.  I do!

I also try to cut out on evenings and weekends.  In the accumulation stage these can be some of the most productive hours.  When you feel wealthy though, why work while everybody else is playing?

In Summary

I think we are a little wrong-headed when we think about wealth.  We usually imagine big houses and expensive cars.  For me, I flaunt my wealth in a wholly different way.

Having the time and energy to enjoy yourself, feed your body and mind, and spend time with those you love is the ultimate sign of riches.  This is the gift of financial independence.

The rest is just filler!

Other ways to flaunt wealth:

  • Hobbies
  • Volunteering
  • Pro-Bono Work
  • Travel

How about you?  In what non-monetary ways do you show your wealth?  What has financial independence given you the time and energy to pursue?

Hey folks, looking for a bonus?  Check out my guest post over at Chief Mom Officer!



Doc G

A doctor who discovered the FI community but still struggling with RE.

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21 Responses

  1. So true. Wealth is not what you have, it’s what you do with it. That ability to choose/option is true wealth.

  2. This is a great concept, “Your wealth shows in what you do with your free time.” At church this week, a retired dentist came up to me and said he had read my blog about what I did the first year of retirement and couldn’t believe everything I packed into only a year. You can read that article here:

    I have received a lot of comments about that article and how they wish they could do all of that. Wealth can truly create the time you want to do the things you want. It is all within your grasp.

    Dr. Cory S. Fawcett
    Prescription for Financial Success

  3. Aw, I was hoping you’d show pics of your 5 acre horse ranch or your mega yacht. But seriously, having the luxury of time and using it to learn and improve yourself is truly being rich. Great post Doc G.

  4. xrayvsn says:

    Once you realize the relationship between money and time (and not money and things) you start prioritizing which one is more important to you (really depends on stage of life I guess). Even if I have all the free time in the world, I don’t think I can keep up with a 1 post a day blog. 🙂

  5. Gasem says:

    Aren’t those Bruno Magli’s?

    I was always partial to Jerry Pournelle. When queried on how to become a writer he wrote: all you have to do is write a million words. Unfortunately he’s still dead.

    I’m rich, I watch one hour of TV per day. Charles Payne’s show on FBN A little politics, a little financial, the rest can go pound sand.

  6. Dr. McFrugal says:

    Like they say: “If you got it, flaunt it!”

    And like you, I don’t consider my wealth based solely on monetary numbers. To me, relationships and experiences are worth so much more. The way I flaunt my wealth is exercise, spending time with family, medical volunteering, and traveling. I’m going to work on a post that describes this immense wealth 🙂

  7. Dr. MB says:

    Ahhh. Wealth has NEVER been about the number. In fact, I always say the numbers followed living my version of a wealthy life. The most enjoyable things in my life are free. I’m sure everyone has their own precious list.

  8. Hobbies. That’s my flaunt. I have waaaay too many. Bo Jackson has nothing on me 😉

  9. Shannyn says:

    I love this. Art would be my “flaunt.” It was something I told myself when I was younger I wasn’t good enough to do (since we didn’t have art classes at school) and got the message in college that art was only for rich people who had leisure time.

    I never got to even explore what methods I liked or if I had any talent worth working on- and I’d like to change that. Purses? Nope. Shoes? No thanks. “Wasting time and money” on a canvas that would be an ugly painting or learning pottery and sucking at it but not worrying about it? YEP! That’s for me!

    • Doc G says:

      This makes me think a lot about my post from today. Be aware of the you can’ts. They will stop you from pursuing your passions.

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