The Lows Don’t Mean You Are a Loser

The Lows
The lows don’t mean you are loser. To the contrary, they mean something else that is completely antithetical. They mean you are pushing the envelope. You’re learning from past mistakes. The lows mean that you are at an inflection point. The trick is not to see the pit you are currently trapped in as a pit. Think of it more as a privileged vista in which to view the pathway laid out clearly in front of you. See it it as the base to build the foundation of your future success. The beginning of a glorious adventure.
My hand is reached out to you. Let me help you up.
There will be no actionable information in this blog post. There will be no life hacks or back doors or budgeting tips. That’s not what you need today. What you need to know right now is that I’ve been where you are. Hell, I might even be there currently. I’ve been through moments when others looked at me with envy, and others when no one even knew my name.
There is not a single one of us who hasn’t been dragged down by the lows.
Low Markets
If you are brave enough to invest, you will lose. Sometimes. Sometimes so badly that you will crawl into a corner, ball your hands over your head, and shake back and forth in fear. The ugly scenarios running through your mind will create the bleakest of futures. You will see a life of poverty and pain. Starvation and suffering.
You will ask yourself if you jumped to quickly, or did you leap too late. Did you buy too high? Or sell too low. You’re brain will stumble upon algorithms and stock quotes, graphs and prospecti. And you will fumble and sputter and sigh.
Don’t! Take a breath, and do nothing for a moment. The market is a finicky bedfellow. The covers are just as likely to be pulled off as to be thrust back on. If you are an investor and not a speculator, you bought the right kind of stuff in the first place. So hold on. Wait for Mr Market to shimmy back into the right direction.
Low Income
If you are like most of us, you will be both hired and fired at some point in life. You will be the golden boy as well as the weakest link. Your new business may sink before it ever swims. You may take the slow boat to China and yet triumph upon arrival. Don’t give up!
Success is often just a few steps forward and to the right of failure. You will never get there if you are not strong enough to push ahead and look both ways upon arriving at the next street.
There are very few billionaires who haven’t failed colossally at least once, or twice, or a hundred times. You don’t have to be a billionaire, but you will have to learn how to fail.
Failure is the fertilizer of your future crops.
Low Confidence
Your blog is on life support. You watch the stats as a few visitors trickle in everyday. One by one. There is no viral moment. There’s no Rockstar Finance feature. There are just crickets. Words on a page.
Your words. Your precious words. Thoughts and ideas agonized over hours of hand wringing and brow perspiration. Writing is not natural for you. So you grind away for millennia to pour your heart onto the screen. A post, a page, a lousy template for some faceless googlebot to rank, and categorize, and leave without even the kindly pause of human perception.
You write and no one reads. You are one of thousands. Your passion burns quietly in a lonely room
You Are Not loser
The lows are just a part of life. A part of investing and working. Common among those who express their opinions on blogs or in other public forums. The answer is simple.
Don’t give up. The greatest enemy to failure is not intelligence, nor strength, nor even luck.
It’s persistence.
Persistence! I agree 100% but sometimes, at some point, should you also learn to let it go…maybe? ie: Blogging???
I agree that you have to let it go if it no longer brings you joy!
Hey Doc G, we all experience low periods, it’s so normal.
Whilst I agree persistence is the key, I also think absence add perspective and either makes the heart grow fonder or encourages a break up.
Space and time. No question about it.
Great post! Over the past few years I’ve had some great high points….And then the low points that definitely humble you again to be 2″ tall.
I’m a firm believer in persistence as well…I didn’t need life hacks or budget tips today either…but a pep talk to get back out there! Thanks and have a great week!
You too! The pep talk was for myself too.
Writing is indeed not natural for me, but I do have persistence. We’ll see if persistence is enough. ….
While it may not feel natural, I really think your posts are top rate. I hope you persist!
I struggle to write as well. Each post takes a lot of time to produce, and then I wonder if anyone reads it all. Thanks for the boost man.
I definitely read all your posts!
Another terrific post DocG. As someone who had failed spectacularly a few times, but also later ascended to great heights, I can bear witness!
Blogging is hard, thankless, sometimes embarrassing, and probably fruitless. But I will never know if I can succeed at it, unless I try.
Thanks for the encouraging words. 😄
Definitely embarrassing at times!
I showed up in Scotland for testing on an oil and gas project. I was completely over my head. I cried. I told my husband on the phone that I had to figure a way out. I could not understand a word that was said by the men at the morning meeting. And yet, I had to stay for weeks and weeks until things were working. I felt like such an imposter in that world. And yet, I eventually did my work and had the time of my life along the way. Looking back, it was the most life-changing project of my career.
That’s amazing. It seems like persistence really does lead to success.
The highs and lows can make us stronger. And give us something to laugh about later. After the tears of course.
Yep, I definitely have had the tears at times.
Great Post! I need that reminder frequently.
I needed this today…(no more details) but thank you 🙂
Your welcome! I needed it too today.
I think the lows makes us appreciate the highs in life. In medicine the lows can be something unimaginable to the general population. I have practiced for many years after FI. You will know when RE is right for you
I hope I do know when RE is right for me. Sometimes I think I can’t disentangle myself.
Really good stuff. I love this line, “Failure is the fertilizer of your future crops.”
Thanks for reading this post. I wrote it when i was feeling down and it really helped give me perspective.
That makes it even better! It was birthed out of struggle.