The Why of DiverseFI

The Why of DiverseFI

I have now been posting on this blog for over six months.  For today’s post, I felt that it would be a good idea to take a step back, and clarify a bit about my philosophy as well as intentions.  I often get asked The Why of DiverseFIabout the blog’s title.  While obviously a play off the word diversify, DIverseFI has many other meanings.  Most importantly, we are part of a big community who came to this pathway from many different directions.  As I have stated before, I really have no origin story.  I did not arrive at financial independence after struggling with debt, or hacking college, or learning how to become a real estate mogul.  I came to  financial independence quite by accident.  Apparently my goal to be a doctor and my fatFIRE Frugal ways landed me a net worth that can be lived on for eternity (or at least the next 50 years).

Thus my struggles, the things I think deeply about, are often not focused on wealth attainment.  I spend lots of time contemplating what comes next.  What are the stresses and downsides of FI?

Since I am not your average FI, I look at personal finance with a certain twist.  With a diverse perspective.

So what do I hope to accomplish with this blog?  What is the why of diversefi?

What are my intentions?


Above all else, I strive in my writings to bring you authenticity.  I accomplish this in two distinct manners.  First, I discuss new ideas and thoughts that I haven’t seen elsewhere in the community.  We talk often about saving and building income streams.  But rarely do we touch on the importance of front-loading.    We revel in the attainment of our net worth goals, but we forget that there is a dark side to financial independence.

My overreaching goal is to bring you new fresh material.  I hope you find topics and viewpoints here that you have never seen before.

Second, I try to be myself.  My authentic self.  Stripped down of ego or longing for what I wish to be.  Hopefully,  this blog will not only chronicle my triumphant wins but also my pitiful mistakes and losses.  I am a human being with all to obvious foibles.

I’m not only ok with, but expect, the foibles to be obvious here.

It is part of my why of DiversFI .


You will find very few posts here about frugal hacks or explaining the how to of personal finance.  There are so many other bloggers who do a fine job of talking about asset allocation, or walking you through the back door Roth IRA.

The Why of DiverseFiI want this to be a deeply thinking persons blog.  I want to touch on topics that make the reader scratch their head and ponder.  If my post sticks with you throughout the day and spurs new and audacious thoughts, than I have done my job.

My why of DiverseFI is to point out the overlooked, misinterpreted, or unfortunately ignored.

And make you think about them.


I have a tendency to wax poetic.  Sometimes I use more words to express what could be done in less.  I like to tell stories and distill ideas.  As I have said before on another blog, I would like to paint a thousand pictures with just a  few simple words.

This is part of my authentic self.  Wordy, analytical, and sometimes strange.

When you read my writing, I want you to be able to know it is me without needing to look at the byline.

Final Thoughts

My why of DiverseFI is to be authentic, intellectual, and occasionally wax poetic.  I hope to bring you, my reader, a diverse perspective on not only financial independence but also life.  Personal finance with a twist.

As I look forward to the future, I will continue to create timely material that not only informs but interacts with commenters and builds off our common narrative.

We are powerful as individuals.

We are unstoppable as a community.

Thank you for reading.

Doc G

A doctor who discovered the FI community but still struggling with RE.

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16 Responses

  1. E says:

    Thank you for the unique expression that is you!

  2. You’re doing a great job, Doc G. I enjoy your big picture writing that tends to put things in perspective. Keep up the strong work.


  3. Xrayvsn says:

    You definitely bring a unique view to the physician financial blogosphere.

    It is also nice to know there is daily content from you since you are quite the prolific writer. For anyone who doesn’t have a blog or ever written a post, this is a tremendous feat as there is a lot that goes into a post behind the scenes.

    • Doc G says:

      Although I can’t always promise daily posts, I really enjoy writing my thoughts down on a very regular basis. It will be interesting my posting frequency during FinCon and CampFI.

  4. Dr. McFrugal says:

    I never thought of your writing as strange. More like like interesting and thought-provoking. Or maybe I’m strange too… I don’t know 😉

    Anyway, your uniqueness and authenticity is greatly appreciated!

    • Doc G says:

      Thanks. The thought-provoking comment really is important to me. Your comments spur me to write even better material. Thank you.

  5. I really value your work. Your unique ideas and thinking definitely make me ponder the big picture. Congrats on your success.

  6. Gasem says:

    Your blog demonstrates a diversity of thought. It demonstrates creativity in style. It demonstrates tenacity of commitment. The last point is most important. Above all it’s what made you rich.

    • Doc G says:

      Gasem, you have shown yourself a deeply thoughtful person. I hold your opinions in high esteem and am thankful for your kind words. I also agree, tenacity has pulled me through a lot of stuff.

  7. Keep it up Doc, we all enjoy your writing and your sheer breadth of output still astounds me. And oh yeah I still owe you a beer for beating you to your original blog name idea, and I pay up!

  8. I enjoy reading and challenging myself to see if my current thinking about early retirement holds up. Or if my current self has decided differently than my past self, who made all those decisions I’m now enjoying or stuck with. Your blog is great food for thought and I appreciated it. Thank you.

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